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Audiophile Stud: Frank Van Alstine

November 21, 2012

I have been so busy at work that I missed the first couple of Audio Society of Minnesota meetings this season. But fortunately I did not miss the November meeting with Minnesota audiophile legend Frank Van Alstine.  Before the meeting I did not know Frank, but just 90 minutes in his presence has me sold.  This is a no-nonsense audiophile manufacture who has a great product at a reasonable price.

Frank demoed his Audio by Van Alstine products through the Society’s Magnepan speakers. Last year I got to hear those speakers several times and I have to say I was not really that impressed.  But wan Van Alstine’s product drove those speakers in a way that they sounded like sonic gems. Van Alstine proudly noted that the Magies were not augmented by a sub-woofer, stating that if you want great bass you need great electronics not a sub-woofer.  And he spoke the truth, the Magies rocked all by themselves!

Frank is no gimmicks – just a pure audiophile and great engineering. I am not technical enough to understand his engineering, but I have ears to hear a great product.  His amp, preamp and DAC sounded fantastic.

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